Checklist for Students Submitting Written Work

First page has your name, the date, the name of the class, and your email address

Body text is in 11- or 12-point type, and is double-spaced

Pages have 1-inch or larger margins on all four sides

If more than one page in length, each page is numbered

All sources are properly cited, with page numbers

You have used one of the two citation styles required by the Politics Department unless the assignment specifies something else

You have read it through once for solidity and completeness of argument

You have read it through a second time for clarity, flow, word choice, and smoothness

You have read it through a final time for errors in spelling, grammar, and typography

You have run it through your word processor’s spell-checker, as a last line of defense

Typically I ask that you submit the paper as a Word document rather than as a printed-out hard copy. But if it’s the latter, and if the paper is more than one page in length, it should be cleanly stapled (not paper-clipped).